• Avoid Bad Stuff and Hangout with Your Good Friends
  • Be Aware of What You Doing on the Internet
  • Study Well While you are Enjoying Your Life

How to Be an Awesome Geek

Let me start with the Definition of a geek, A Geek is a Genius Who Doesn't know how to Dress, What to talk, Develop Relationships and other stuff normal people do.

If you are a genius that Do those stuff properly, this is not for you.
Then you are a Awesome Normal Human being.

For Your Information, Do not use the Word Geek to Slang or Disrespect someone. If you do you are an a*****e.

Lets start why these people get avoided by most people.
Lets talk step by step:

1. Change the Way You Dress

Once You get out of your house, It's all About appearance. When People see you, you should be attractive. so change the way you dress. Buy some trendy clothes, If you are allowed, get a tattoo on you, Be Classy, If you have no Knowledge About These Stuff Ask Someone or Search in Google.

2. What You Talk

Make New friends, talk about girls and stuff, talk anything but less computer stuff and all these geeky stuff when you don't need them. Don't always hangout with your geeky friends, Hangout with other people too.
People Around you make you better or worse.

3. Why Geeks are Unpopular even if they doing good in school

Because Geeks are Not Cool, so cool people try to avoid them. All you have to do is be cool. Again Change the Appearance, Get a Cool Haircut, Please If you are Wearing that Stupid bag change your Bag.
If you Know you can do good in your studies, Cut out some time for your social life.

4. How to Behave Front of girls

If a Girl is Being nice to you, you have to do the same thing back at them.
If a Girl is Being Mean to you, exactly the same thing, but you have to look good. Talk with them about cool stuff other than geeky stuff.

5. Entertainment

Listen to Latest music and watch cool movies. If you are a Bibliophile, do not read books in front of cool people, because these days cool people don't read books.

6. Go to Gym and Build up your body

Going to Gym and Building up your body helps for most people. Once you become a Cool Guy with a Awesome body, then You are the man.

If this helps you, that's awesome.

FYI Once you get pass that No one will even know that you were a geeky guy!

Thanks! PeacE!
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What Teens Should Know About Their Rights?

NOTICE : This Article is from an U.S. Website, These Laws can be vary according to the Country.
                 This Article is not a Push-up for a Crime or a Rule-break, This is for your own Knowledge....

Rights in Court & with the Police

What are my rights if I am pulled over or questioned by the police?

You must give the police your correct name and address. You can tell the police that you do not want to speak to them about anything else unless a lawyer is present.

What are my rights if I get arrested?

You do NOT have to answer any questions that a police officer asks you besides your correct name and address. You have a RIGHT to remain silent.
If you are arrested, it is your RIGHT to know what you are being arrested for. The police officer should explain this to you.
If you are arrested, you have a RIGHT to have a lawyer with you in court. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you.

Can I get in trouble for something my friend did if I was with them?

Yes, if you did not separate yourself from the illegal activity when it was happening you can be considered an accomplice and charged with that crime.

What are my rights in court?

If English is not your first language, you have the RIGHT to have an interpreter translate for you in court.
You have a RIGHT to a lawyer. Your lawyer should represent what you want, not what your parents or anyone else wants.

What happens if I get offered a "plea"?

You may have to make a decision whether or not to accept a "plea." A plea means that you are giving up important rights. You give up your right to a trial, cross-examine witnesses against you, and to present your side of what happened. If you decide to plea, you are admitting to the crime.

What is probation?

If the judge orders probation, you are under the supervision of the court. The judge can order you to report to probation, follow a curfew, attend school, work full time, and obey any other court requirements. If you are on probation, you will have a probation officer that will check in on you. Probation can do this by contacting your school, coming to your home, or contacting any programs you are involved in.

What happens if I do not follow the rules of my probation?

You will be given a notice of violation of probation and must appear back in court. The judge will determine if you violated the terms of your probation and could impose a harsher punishment such as commitment to DYS.

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Teenage Social Issues in Modern World?

Teenagers and social problems occur everyday in high schools across the country. The teen years present a number of social challenges.

Teenagers gain an increasing amount of independence from their parents as they enter middle and high school. Unlike the early years, kids in this age group often look to friends instead of parents for guidance. The pressure to fit in and be part of the "cool crowd" clouds the judgement of vulnerable kids.

Bullying frequently occurs in the halls of high schools. It ranges from easily identifiable fist-fights to subtle, emotional attacks to the victim.

Types of Bullying

Bullying takes on several forms including:
  • Physical threats and violence
  • Verbal attacks and abuse
  • Cyber bullying ( Stay Tuned for a Brief Article about Cyber Bullying. )
Physical bullying is often the first thing that typically comes to mind. Yet verbal attacks affect the victim in many of the same ways. Bullying may lead to other social problems, such as low self-esteem and making poor choices.


The type of bullying may vary, but the effects follow a common pattern in teens. The victims often struggle with acceptance after suffering at the hands of a bully. The victim may experience:
  • Fear and withdrawal from normal activities where they may encounter the bully
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Stress
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Headaches, stomach ailments and other physical problems

Help from Adults

Parents, teachers or other adults in a teen's life serve as a support system. Understanding teenagers and social problems is important for adult role models. A rumor at school or feeling left out may seem like an insignificant problem to an adult who is struggling to make ends meet or dealing with a difficult relationship. Yet these problems are very real to the kids who deal with them. Offering empathy and understanding creates a supportive environment for teens. Ways to help teens include:
  • Encourage open communication
  • Watch for changes in personality or behaviours
  • Create a strong network in the community between parents, teachers and community leaders
  • Encourage participation in structured activities
  • Seek professional help when needed

Article Source : teens.lovetoknow.com

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How to Study Properly for Better Grades?

Okay I Know, A Boring Topic. But This will Help Us to Be Some Good Fellas in Future.
First Thing I want to Let you Guys Know is How to Learn Mathematics.

You Should Keep This in Your Mind.

I Know Most of You Guys Go Home and Try to Memorise Them, Most of you not all of You.
Best thing to do to be good in Maths, Practise Them. Do it again and again until you understand the Sum or whatever it is. Another thing, Don't do the Same thing that you already Fluent in, It's a waste. So From Today or Tomorrow, Start Doing this guys, Maths is Nothing.

Next is History and Subjects you have to memorise. If you are in Senior Grades, Go sleep Earlier , i know it's Hard, But try and Go to Sleep, Wake up As early as You can. Do the Hardest Subjects Earlier. Read them, and the Best way is tell someone what you studied, Tell your mom stuff you studied in the evening. ex: the x King Had y amount of wives. Or If you don't have anyone to tell, your closest friend is your mirror, tell them to yourself in the mirror.

Don't Let your Social Life Go Down. Talk to your Friends, Chat with someone on facebook or whatever site you like, but give the first place to your studies.

Finally the Best Tip I can Give is, Study the Lessons you Learnt in School in the Same day. This Will Help You to Get Better Grades.

Planet Pulz Team
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Why Parents Let us Sleep well?

You use every minute of the day. School, homework, sports, part-time jobs, your social life, and other extracurricular activities often have you getting up early and staying up late. As a teen, it probably seems like you barely have time to sleep. And if you're not getting at least 8 1/2 hours of shut-eye, you aren't getting enough.
Getting a good night's sleep is as important as getting three healthy meals a day: It's mental nourishment. Without enough sleep, you literally can't function properly.
But sometimes, when you do get the rare chance to sleep more, you might actually get grief from your parents. So here's help -- six reasons to give your parents so that you can sleep in when you're running low on ZZZs.

1. "More sleep could help me get better grades."

2. "More sleep will help me be a much safer driver."

3. "I really do need more sleep."

4. "Getting enough sleep can help me keep off extra pounds."

5. "Sleeping can help me not get sick."

6. "Go to bed earlier? It's not that simple."

Article Source : WebMD 

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Welcome to Planet Pulz

Hi There, If you are a Teen, then this is a Place for you. This Site is Developing By Some Teens who are Now Freelance Web Developers. Not only This Site - TV Internet, DITCenter, Hackfreesite, CricketVideo Box and Lots of Internet Stuff.

So We Decided to Start a Teen Blog. Keep in Mind Fellas, this is a 100% free Site and Forever it Will Be Free!

Now I'm Gonna Talk About What We Gonna Post in this Blog. First of all, We Should inform you that this is Not a Very Polite Site, We will use some moderated words, so people who can't hold them Don't Come here. We would like to talk Very Openly. So i come back to the thing i went to say, this site is gonna cover a very wide area. We gonna post about your Education, How to Continue a Secured and a Safe Teen Life ( Specially for girls ), How to Respond in Some Hard Situations in our Teen Lives and More Like How to Impress a Girl, How to Be Popular at School, College or Whatever place.

So if you are a Writer or an Internet Kid, We will Let You to Send you Your Stories and Stuff in Future. As i said this is a Very open and Awesome Place. So Fellas Come Here Everyday and Check What's Going on in Planet Pulz, We Hope you Guys Like that Name as well.

So Anyone can Come here, Specially Teens!

Your Best Regards,

Main Editor - Planet Pulz
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