What Teens Should Know About Their Rights?

NOTICE : This Article is from an U.S. Website, These Laws can be vary according to the Country.
                 This Article is not a Push-up for a Crime or a Rule-break, This is for your own Knowledge....

Rights in Court & with the Police

What are my rights if I am pulled over or questioned by the police?

You must give the police your correct name and address. You can tell the police that you do not want to speak to them about anything else unless a lawyer is present.

What are my rights if I get arrested?

You do NOT have to answer any questions that a police officer asks you besides your correct name and address. You have a RIGHT to remain silent.
If you are arrested, it is your RIGHT to know what you are being arrested for. The police officer should explain this to you.
If you are arrested, you have a RIGHT to have a lawyer with you in court. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you.

Can I get in trouble for something my friend did if I was with them?

Yes, if you did not separate yourself from the illegal activity when it was happening you can be considered an accomplice and charged with that crime.

What are my rights in court?

If English is not your first language, you have the RIGHT to have an interpreter translate for you in court.
You have a RIGHT to a lawyer. Your lawyer should represent what you want, not what your parents or anyone else wants.

What happens if I get offered a "plea"?

You may have to make a decision whether or not to accept a "plea." A plea means that you are giving up important rights. You give up your right to a trial, cross-examine witnesses against you, and to present your side of what happened. If you decide to plea, you are admitting to the crime.

What is probation?

If the judge orders probation, you are under the supervision of the court. The judge can order you to report to probation, follow a curfew, attend school, work full time, and obey any other court requirements. If you are on probation, you will have a probation officer that will check in on you. Probation can do this by contacting your school, coming to your home, or contacting any programs you are involved in.

What happens if I do not follow the rules of my probation?

You will be given a notice of violation of probation and must appear back in court. The judge will determine if you violated the terms of your probation and could impose a harsher punishment such as commitment to DYS.


Written by Admin

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