How to Be an Awesome Geek

Let me start with the Definition of a geek, A Geek is a Genius Who Doesn't know how to Dress, What to talk, Develop Relationships and other stuff normal people do.

If you are a genius that Do those stuff properly, this is not for you.
Then you are a Awesome Normal Human being.

For Your Information, Do not use the Word Geek to Slang or Disrespect someone. If you do you are an a*****e.

Lets start why these people get avoided by most people.
Lets talk step by step:

1. Change the Way You Dress

Once You get out of your house, It's all About appearance. When People see you, you should be attractive. so change the way you dress. Buy some trendy clothes, If you are allowed, get a tattoo on you, Be Classy, If you have no Knowledge About These Stuff Ask Someone or Search in Google.

2. What You Talk

Make New friends, talk about girls and stuff, talk anything but less computer stuff and all these geeky stuff when you don't need them. Don't always hangout with your geeky friends, Hangout with other people too.
People Around you make you better or worse.

3. Why Geeks are Unpopular even if they doing good in school

Because Geeks are Not Cool, so cool people try to avoid them. All you have to do is be cool. Again Change the Appearance, Get a Cool Haircut, Please If you are Wearing that Stupid bag change your Bag.
If you Know you can do good in your studies, Cut out some time for your social life.

4. How to Behave Front of girls

If a Girl is Being nice to you, you have to do the same thing back at them.
If a Girl is Being Mean to you, exactly the same thing, but you have to look good. Talk with them about cool stuff other than geeky stuff.

5. Entertainment

Listen to Latest music and watch cool movies. If you are a Bibliophile, do not read books in front of cool people, because these days cool people don't read books.

6. Go to Gym and Build up your body

Going to Gym and Building up your body helps for most people. Once you become a Cool Guy with a Awesome body, then You are the man.

If this helps you, that's awesome.

FYI Once you get pass that No one will even know that you were a geeky guy!

Thanks! PeacE!


Written by Admin

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