How to Study Properly for Better Grades?

Okay I Know, A Boring Topic. But This will Help Us to Be Some Good Fellas in Future.
First Thing I want to Let you Guys Know is How to Learn Mathematics.

You Should Keep This in Your Mind.

I Know Most of You Guys Go Home and Try to Memorise Them, Most of you not all of You.
Best thing to do to be good in Maths, Practise Them. Do it again and again until you understand the Sum or whatever it is. Another thing, Don't do the Same thing that you already Fluent in, It's a waste. So From Today or Tomorrow, Start Doing this guys, Maths is Nothing.

Next is History and Subjects you have to memorise. If you are in Senior Grades, Go sleep Earlier , i know it's Hard, But try and Go to Sleep, Wake up As early as You can. Do the Hardest Subjects Earlier. Read them, and the Best way is tell someone what you studied, Tell your mom stuff you studied in the evening. ex: the x King Had y amount of wives. Or If you don't have anyone to tell, your closest friend is your mirror, tell them to yourself in the mirror.

Don't Let your Social Life Go Down. Talk to your Friends, Chat with someone on facebook or whatever site you like, but give the first place to your studies.

Finally the Best Tip I can Give is, Study the Lessons you Learnt in School in the Same day. This Will Help You to Get Better Grades.

Planet Pulz Team


Written by Admin

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