Teenage Social Issues in Modern World?

Teenagers and social problems occur everyday in high schools across the country. The teen years present a number of social challenges.

Teenagers gain an increasing amount of independence from their parents as they enter middle and high school. Unlike the early years, kids in this age group often look to friends instead of parents for guidance. The pressure to fit in and be part of the "cool crowd" clouds the judgement of vulnerable kids.

Bullying frequently occurs in the halls of high schools. It ranges from easily identifiable fist-fights to subtle, emotional attacks to the victim.

Types of Bullying

Bullying takes on several forms including:
  • Physical threats and violence
  • Verbal attacks and abuse
  • Cyber bullying ( Stay Tuned for a Brief Article about Cyber Bullying. )
Physical bullying is often the first thing that typically comes to mind. Yet verbal attacks affect the victim in many of the same ways. Bullying may lead to other social problems, such as low self-esteem and making poor choices.


The type of bullying may vary, but the effects follow a common pattern in teens. The victims often struggle with acceptance after suffering at the hands of a bully. The victim may experience:
  • Fear and withdrawal from normal activities where they may encounter the bully
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Stress
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Headaches, stomach ailments and other physical problems

Help from Adults

Parents, teachers or other adults in a teen's life serve as a support system. Understanding teenagers and social problems is important for adult role models. A rumor at school or feeling left out may seem like an insignificant problem to an adult who is struggling to make ends meet or dealing with a difficult relationship. Yet these problems are very real to the kids who deal with them. Offering empathy and understanding creates a supportive environment for teens. Ways to help teens include:
  • Encourage open communication
  • Watch for changes in personality or behaviours
  • Create a strong network in the community between parents, teachers and community leaders
  • Encourage participation in structured activities
  • Seek professional help when needed

Article Source : teens.lovetoknow.com


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