Why Parents Let us Sleep well?

You use every minute of the day. School, homework, sports, part-time jobs, your social life, and other extracurricular activities often have you getting up early and staying up late. As a teen, it probably seems like you barely have time to sleep. And if you're not getting at least 8 1/2 hours of shut-eye, you aren't getting enough.
Getting a good night's sleep is as important as getting three healthy meals a day: It's mental nourishment. Without enough sleep, you literally can't function properly.
But sometimes, when you do get the rare chance to sleep more, you might actually get grief from your parents. So here's help -- six reasons to give your parents so that you can sleep in when you're running low on ZZZs.

1. "More sleep could help me get better grades."

2. "More sleep will help me be a much safer driver."

3. "I really do need more sleep."

4. "Getting enough sleep can help me keep off extra pounds."

5. "Sleeping can help me not get sick."

6. "Go to bed earlier? It's not that simple."

Article Source : WebMD 


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